Monday, May 19, 2014

nerd love loves nerds

  i love all things nerdy. tv,movies,music,comics..the list can go on forever. these things can make me so happy. not the permenet happy but the take away the blues happy.
    i love going to cons. for younon nerds thats a big gathering of like minded individuals gather. they dress up like batman and giants bunnies. by the way the giant bunnies scare me.  these events and the things that they love are awsome.
     i also love nerds. i love hthe excitment and joythey have. i love that they see meaning and hope in their obsesions. i want them to be loved and honored. because alot of us can get the way i am a nerd. we need people like others do i want to let all to know how awsoe nerds are. its not a bad word. its a great word.

1 comment:

  1. Nerds are awesome! Without us, the world would be a dull place.


nerd viewers