Wednesday, May 21, 2014


  i love the weird,wild, and wacky,always have. there's something about people who are different, that makes me smile. that may include a special talent or ability that seems to be way out there. you know, people who swallow fire,juggle,or stick metal in there face. then there's the so called freaks. people born with genetic disabilities and tjen chage it to a unique ability.then use that ability to better them self. it truly amazes me that god did that. he has a wicked sense of humor. a fun, hey look what i just did, sense of humor.
    so this brings me to the amc show freak show. its about the last permanent carnival style side show. its located in Venus beach California. it is where people who are these so called freaks come together with their special stuff to make people smile and gasp a little. its a great show about the human all people have the right to be treated with respect,dignity and love. all people have a purpose. this show impresses me so much. it shows human emotion of every spectrum. from heart felt moments of clarity to gasp of pure amazement.
     i believe god wants us to experience a wide range of emotions. that emotions being spent on his creations. sometimes tears sometimes experiencing all the crazy he created. amazed that he cared us so different. there ae no mistakes in his creation. no matter how weird it looks. how out there someone is. he created that.that was his imagination.

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