Sunday, May 25, 2014

shepards advice

if you don't know firefly then first I'm sorry. its such a good show. amazing really. Shepard book is a minster in the ship serenity. he gives great advice. like this..

Book: It’s not about making sense. It’s about believing in something, and letting that belief be real enough to change your life. It’s about faith. You don’t fix faith, River. It fixes you.
   what a powerful statement and so true. you can't fix faith. god and belief is something that cant be controlled. we cant make our self believe. as hard as i have tried i cant believe the good girl will come along.Ive tried hard. or more serenely try to fix someones unbelief. faith has a way of working itself out.
    river was a broken know she wanted to be fixed. Simon tried and so did most of the firefly crew. the only way that was going to happen is believing that eventually it would happen. not forcing or making it happen but just thought time it will happen.
   that's hard to do. so very hard to do. Shepard book has great advice. let it work out, allow faith to do its job and fix itself

1 comment:

  1. Yes, such wisdom. And Firefly is such an awesome show.


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