Tuesday, May 20, 2014

i'm on a mission from god

      "everybody needs somebody to love, cause i need you, you ,you"
         o, the blues brothers rock my face. especially the first one. great music, great laugh and some great car chases. every movie needs a great car chase. blues brothers is one of those movies that makes me happy. there seems to be another meaning in that movie for me because even though Jake and Elwood seem to have alternative motives they are truly on a mission form  god  to love. they try to love everyone they meet. not always successful and sometimes money and the stage get in the way. yes they  may be misguide. but who  of  us are not a little misguided in our search  for truth and our own mission  from  god.
        we get messed up in loving people sometimes.  we judge and try to fix  those  god  can only fix. we let our baggage get in the way. poor Jake  and  his ex. we may not have someone out to kill us but we do have things trying to get us of our mission. for them it was loving on those orphans  because  it was  where they grew up. we have missions. some of us its loving on orphans. others its loving on nerds like mine. i  want all nerds to  feel loved and wanted. even if there mission is a little messed up  it its ways  of  being put together but the heart  and motivaton is right. all it takes is
being loved and  having a community means  so much.

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