Monday, May 26, 2014

i heart will wheaton

      I have to admit. i am in love with will wheaton. i think is is an awesome actor. we  may not have the political and religious ideas but what  he has  done for sci-fi and  nerd culture is something that is amazing. from standing up for  all  of us nerds  who have been bulled and letting all know being super into some thing is not a unhealthy obsession always but a coping mechanism and a healthy outlet. i  beloved that. all these fandoms  are just  healthy outlets for things  like depression, bulling, anxiety and hate.  that's  not a  bad thing. for being a weird ,awkward  smart kid myself, i always identified with Wesley crusher. the kid who always saved the day. was really an odd ball but somehow cool  as  all get out. the fact he ended up as a cool time traveler who could save the world was also awesome. that was amazing for me. cause if  your smart and awkward, like i was,you may end up being special. that's a great thought to have and such an encouriging word  to live by.. it does not matter who you are but who your becoming.
       then there's the opposite of Wesley that's Dr. Issac parish from eureka. he was smart  but kind of a butt-head at  times. he had a good heart but he let his head get ahead of that sometimes. it  go him in trouble and direct competition with Fargo. i think that show that intelligence is not everything. but where i love will , yes were on a first name basis, is his love for nerds. he is a board game fanatic. that desire to play games with others nerds has started nerd community. nerds wanting to get together with each other and play games. enjoy each others company. breaking the stereotype that all nerds are loners and antisocial. that is so  not true. so go find nerds like you, go love on your fellow nerds and be apart of a greater community.. as will more games

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