Tuesday, August 5, 2014

im on a mission from god part two

i love nerds and nerds culture. i feel like there is so much to learn about inclusion and enthuisam about life from most of the people i mert at cons and comic books store. i have meet some super creative people through cosplay. people who talent needs to be shared and shown. love the collecting aspect of the culture. taking old things and giving them life. 
yes there are negitive things and people in the culture. bullying tgat should not take place. shelfishness and greed that can make you ill. but i belive im calked to this community as an ambasador for the kingdom of god. to love everyone unconditionaly. so i choose to ignore the negitive and accent the positive
we are all creatiivr beings made by a creator. so i love seeing the ary and costumes that are painstakeingly made by hand for others to enjoy. i love the storirs that are told througjt comics,movies and tv. stories that point to the need and desier for love and community.
im on a mission from god. to love all,respect all and care for the needs of all. i do this by showing love to cosplayers by sharing there work. showing respect to collectors by collecting for myself. all this for the honor and love of jesus christ.

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