Wednesday, July 9, 2014


i have not wrote in a month. not because i dont want to or dont have something absolutly nrdy to say. cause i always have something to nerdy to say,always. i have not written anything because i have an issue. it can be very serious sometimes and it effects how i live. it affects my work, my art,my personal life and even my spiritual life.  so i confess i am lazy..glad i got that off my chest. i lack motivation sometimes just cause i dont want to. thats it i dont want to. i call it my being al bundy syndrom. i just want to sit watch tv and put my hand down my pants. i dont want to be botheref. kind of like homer and donuts. dont get in my way between me and my down time. oooo down time.......i cant explane it but i like sitting on my butt and do nothing. i dont have to have tv or phone. sometimes i just sit and stare at the wall. so feel like wall.  but i dont want to be that way. i want to be more like phinas and ferb. having something to do everyday. doing new,awsome, and exciting things everyday.  so i press forward. i try. so i know what im going to do tomorrow,you?

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