Wednesday, August 6, 2014

confessions of a middle aged nerd

one of the biggest struggles i belive that people in fandom culture have is developing community.  the thing with community is that it takes time. time most people who woould call themselfs nerds would rather use watching there tv shows,working on costumes, or spending time with there collections. they do those things not only because there fun but  cause they give comfort.
when loking at community it not only needs to be with people they enjoy. who may like what they like. who can engage them in great conversation but also gives them peace. community that gives them the same feelings that watching there faviorte tv show or movie. that gives them the same gratifacation that building a costume piece or finding a rare collectable. thats what there looking for in friends. the other stuff will come.
so i belive just being a warm body is a great thing. i belive being avaliable is a part of living well.
this has been on my heart cause i live in both worlds. i want to be there for anyone. i also am one of those nerds who want community.who desier life more abundently. so i try. i put myself out more often. i try to strech myself. i encourage you to strech your self more. to love well. to be real with those close to you. to be a love nerd.

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