Tuesday, January 27, 2015

nerd lfe,yo

Wow, it's been a while since I've blogged. It's time to try this on a regular timetable. So I'm hoping that Tuesdays will be blog days. Also going to rename and rework this blog. I really want it to be about not only my thoughts on what's going on I. Nerdoms but also how faith and Inspirational ideas and nerd ideas can express each other.  I belive concepts of and and insperational thought can be everywhere. And can be expressed with all kinds of images. From art to sci-fi and superheroes to music and everything inbetween.  So what to rename this blog. See nerd love is really the over all ministry and mechanism that moves along ideas of peace,community and a love for all things nerd and nerds themselfes.  So this blog is about sharing ideas of nerd life all things nerd and life it's self. News, and activities of  the world of geek and nerd. So here is nerd life, expressing need love in the real world. I hope you enjoy and that you read a d share. I belive even thought we love diffrent stuf we have diffrent belive systems. We can still come together and enjoy each other company and not be completely alike. That's the joy of enjoying life. So let's open the wardrobe,step on the telaprtation pad,star the stargate, and warm up the warp drive. Cause we're starting an adventure in nerd life. Word.  

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