Tuesday, February 17, 2015

flash light

It is so hard for me to write on a regular schedual. Part of it is because I fight being productive on a daily basis. Fighting a mental illness is a daily strugle. Like some sort of super power that is hard to explaned or undefstand. On the positive side, I am very tuned to the emotions around d me. I have been able to "read" people and help kind of be there for people. I can at times understand hardship and stress like no body I know. The negitive is that I can get carried away with my emotins. They can cloud my mind. It's a back and forth I have daily. So I try to watch my words. I never want my emotions to interrupt my life.
    I am loving the new flash tv serious. The way he deals with his speed is intresting. it is positive, he is saving the world. He is helping people but he also hides alot from people. There are also side effects he does not understand. It's a balancing act. The gifts are a azi g. A gift some would say. Also a curse, a burden he must bare. To control it. he has to be diligent a d disciplied.
    I am no superhero but I get some of that to want to be disciplined and diligent in how I take care of my self. How I use the gifts god gave me. That is so important to me. I don't ever want to hurt anyone ever but also want to help where I can. That is my lot I  life. To fight that fight. How do I deal, by watching a fictional hero deal. I belive that is a god thing. I belive go uses this things to speak to me. To reminder who I am and why I'm here

nerd viewers